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Reference FOI/25/125
Description Staffing: Temp Staff for AHP
Date requested 17/07/2024
Attachments N/A


I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust . Please may you provide me with:

  1. The person or department who manages the supply chain of temporary staff for Allied Health and Healthcare Science Professionals (Pharmacy, Radiology, Cardiology, Biomedical Science/Pathology, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy) , Nursing (specialist and general, including HCAs) and Midwifery professionals. - Litmus
  2. The email address and telephone number of the mentioned in point  & 0203 937 8322
  3. A breakdown of the trust’s clinical agency spend within the last 24 months. including of the departments of spend- –  We are applying Section 43 – Commercially sensitive information, See below.
  4. The agency shifts cascaded out within the past 12 months for the Nursing and Midwifery and Allied health/Healthcare Science professions and
    1. At what cost they was covered (NHSI or above)
    2. Number of agency shifts required broken down across Allied Health, Healthcare Science and Nursing and Midwifery.






c. Was any off this off framework - Yes

i.  If so to what agency and in what area – We are applying Section 43 – commercially sensitive information, See below.

  1. What agencies are on the supply chain for and if there is a tier structure in place. – We are applying Section 43 – commercially sensitive information, See below.
    1. Allied Health and Healthcare Science
    2. Nursing and Midwifery
  2. What framework do you transact under?
  3. What person/department looks after external permanent recruitment – Nancy Waran
    1. Please supply their contract number and email address. -

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