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Reference FOI/25/116
Description The UK Fleet & Transport Directory 2024
Date requested 12/07/2024
Attachments N/A


Previously you have kindly helped us with your free listing within The UK Fleet & Transport Directory and would be most grateful if you could help us do the same for the new edition. We are currently in the process of preparing our 2024 Edition, which will be published early September 2024. In this edition we would like to also include (Manager/Director Level):


  • Cycling - Director of Sustainability, Tom Wright
  • Electric Vehicles/ Zero Emissions - Director of Sustainability, Tom Wright
  • Fleet & Environmental Services
  • Fleet Compliance Manager – n/a
  • Fleet Co-ordinator n/a
  • Fleet Manager – n/a
  • Fleet Operations Manager – n/a
  • Workshop Manager - n/a
  • Green Fleet - Combat Specific Vehicles - Director of Sustainability, Tom Wright
  • Low Carbon Sustainability (Fleet Strategy) - Director of Sustainability, Tom Wright
  • Waste Vehicles – n/a
  • Car Park / Parking Managers - Estates & Facilities Manager, Bhanu Halai
  • Public Transport Manager - n/a
  • Road Safety Manager – n/a
  • Roads & Pavements – n/a
  • Street Care & Cleaning Managers – n/a
  • Transport related n/a
  • Highways – n/a
  • Vehicle Maintenance – n/a

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