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Reference FOI/25/115
Description Virtual wards
Date requested 11/07/2024


I am writing to you with a Freedom of Information request regarding the provision of virtual ward care within your Trust. We would like to get the following data relating to virtual wards providers within your Trust (please see the Excel template attached):


  1. Do you use virtual wards in your Trust? (Y/N)
  • If not, are you planning on using them in the future?
  1. Please provide the total number of virtual ward bed capacity by specialty (respiratory care, oncology care, cardiology care, diabetes care, neurological care, renal care, pre/post operative care services, other – please specify)
  2. Please provide a list of virtual ward providers used in your Trust, as well as the following for each provider
    • Total contract value, split by the following:
      • Technology component
      • Staffing component
      • Others – please specify
    • Start and end date.
    • For 2024, the number of virtual ward bed capacity provided by speciality (respiratory care, oncology care, cardiology care, diabetes care, neurological care, renal care, pre/post operative care services, other – please specify)

Please make use of the Excel template we have attached for you to simplify the fill in process and standardise the information.


Please see attached PDF

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