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Reference FOI/25/110
Description Cyber-Security
Date requested 03/07/2024
Attachments N/A


I am sending this request under the Freedom of Information act to ask for the following information which you should refer to your relevant overseeing IT department.

  1. Approximately what proportion of your trust’s network connected systems have passed end of life in current use in terms of software ? * (see guidance)
  2. Which patient EPR record system are you using?


• By ‘end of life’ I mean using operating systems such as Windows XP Windows 7 Windows 8, windows 10, windows 11, vista which are no longer updated by the relevant company such as Microsoft.

• By ‘software’, this might be mail servers and clients, patient management systems and operating systems etc



  1. Approximately what proportion of your trust’s network connected systems have passed end of life in current use in terms of software? – Zero.
  2. Which patient EPR record system are you using? – SystemOne, Emis and Lillie.

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