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Reference FOI/25/061
Description Services information details
Date requested 22/05/2024
Attachments N/A


Gastroenterology Department 

Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust (CLCH)  is a community based organisation which specialises in providing care in the community.  Clch does not provide this service.




Who provides your current Endoscopy Reporting System

 None applicable

When is your contract due for renewal ?

 None applicable

Will you be going out to tender?

 None Applicable

Who provides your stack system?

 None Applicable

Do you use Scheduling and vetting software, if so who do you use?

 None Applicable

Do you have the ability to capture images within this dept if so who is the provider please?


 None Applicable

Who is the current Endoscopy Service Manager/Managers within the Trust

 None Applicable


Pulmonology Department

Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust (CLCH) is a community based organisation which specialises in providing care in the community.  Clch does not provide this service.




Who provides your current Pulmonology Reporting System

 None Applicable

Do you have the ability to capture images within this dept?


 None Applicable

When is your contract due for renewal ?

 None Applicable


Urology Department

Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust (CLCH) is a community based organisation which specialises in providing care in the community.  Clch does not provide this service



Who provides your current Urology Reporting System?

 None Applicable

Do you have the ability to capture images within this dept?


 None Applicable

When is your contract due for renewal ?

 None Applicable



The services listed above are not provided by Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust (CLCH).

Please see link provided below for further information on the list of services that are provided by CLCH.



Multifunctional Software Systems



Do you currently have Order Communications software installed, if so who provides that software?

 None installed

Which patient administration system is installed at the Trust, please?


Do you have any integration platforms installed within the above departments? If so who is the Provider of this software?

 None applicable

Accessibility tools