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Reference FOI/25/054
Description Staffing: Locum Doctors
Date requested 16/05/2024
Attachments N/A


  1. In the period 1st February 2024 to 30th April 2024 please provide a breakdown of:
    Total Trust spend with framework agencies for locum doctors

    Please provide a further breakdown for locum doctors by:

    a) Spend per grade
    b) Spend per specialty
    c) Spend per agency name
  2. In the period of 1st February 2024 to 30th April 2024 please provide a breakdown of:
    Total trust spend with off-framework agencies for locums doctors

    Please provide a further breakdown for locum doctors by:

    a) Spend per grade
    b) Spend per specialty
    c) Spend per agency name
  3. In the period of 1st February 2024 to 30th April 2024 please provide a breakdown of:

    Total trust spend with the internal trust bank or associated external provider for locum doctors

    Please provide a further breakdown for locum doctors by:

    a) Spend per grade
    b) Spend per specialty
    c) Spend per internal or associated external provider
  4. Please confirm your allocated budget for agency locum doctors for the period 1st February 2024 to 30th April 2024.




Part 1 & 2

Invoiced Month

(Multiple Items)

Overall Staff Group

Medical & Dental


Row Labels

Sum of Total Spend

Ad-Hoc Doctor

£                    4,350.54

PSL-FW Medilink

£                    2,307.50

PSL-FW My Locum

£                    2,043.04

Associate Specialist

£                  11,714.40

PSL-FW Medilink

£                  10,676.24

PSL-FW My Locum

£                        698.16

PSL-FW National

£                        340.00


£                  49,976.84

OC-FW Drs Direc

£                  11,536.00

OC-OFW Drs Direc

£                  11,536.00

OF Drs Direct

£                  12,978.00

PSL-FW Athona

£                    6,600.00

PSL-FW ID medica

£                    5,311.84

PSL-FW National

£                    2,015.00


£                        562.43

PSL-FW Medilink

£                        562.43


£                  51,680.92

PSL-FW Medilink

£                  31,748.42

PSL-FW National

£                  19,932.50

Registrar ST1 - 2

£                  33,217.27

PSL-FW Athona

£                    5,080.13

PSL-FW Medacs

£                    3,408.40

PSL-FW Medilink

£                  24,728.75

Registrar ST3+

£                  95,217.77

PSL-FW Medilink

£                  88,650.16

PSL-FW My Locum

£                    6,567.61

SD / Staff Grade

£                  14,433.05

PSL-FW Medilink

£                  14,433.05

StaffCareer Grade Dr

£                    3,131.55

PSL-FW Athona

£                        508.01

PSL-FW Medilink

£                    2,113.61

PSL-FW My Locum

£                        509.93

Grand Total

£                264,284.76



Part 3 

Invoiced Month

(Multiple Items)

Overall Staff Group

Medical & Dental


Row Labels

Sum of Total Spend

Associate Specialist

£                        314.20

Bank Emergency Dental Grade

£                  17,792.23

Bank Medical and Dental - Dental Consultant Grade

£                  18,613.94

Bank Medical and Dental - Dental Grade

£                171,644.39

Bank Medical and Dental - GP

£                461,080.75

Bank Medical and Dental - Medical Consultant

£                  35,429.75

Bank Medical and Dental - Staff/Career Grade

£                    2,450.01


£                    3,850.61


£                        177.32


£                  36,754.88

Grand Total

£                748,108.07


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