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Reference FOI/25/047
Description Medical devices - Holter services
Date requested 13/05/2024
Attachments N/A


I am working on a research project and am formally requesting information from both cardiology and stroke units within the Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust, for all hospitals within the trust. 

The personnel responsible for this information will be the lead cardiac physiologists or service leads within each department. Please find the attached word document to simplify the answering process. The information should be fast to find and insert. Should the responder prefer to answer by mail, the questions are set out below. 

Questions on Holter monitor usage: 

  1. Do you directly purchase holter monitors which are reusable, which company/companies and products do you use (e.g.Spacelabs)? 
  • How much do you pay per Holter monitor and what are the service costs? 
  • How much do you pay for the analysis software per licence?
  • How many tests do you perform with these Holter monitors per annum?
  • Approximately how many devices do you purchase per annum?
  1. Do you purchase outsourced analysis Holter monitors, either single use disposable Holter monitors (e.g. iRhythm-Zio) and/or reusable devices (e.g. ECG on Demand, Express Diagnostics), which company/companies and products do you use?
  • How much do you pay per Holter monitor/test?
  • What is the average test duration?
  • How many tests do you perform with these Holter monitors per annum?
  • Are you under an official contract with this supplier? If so, until when?
  1. Do you have a current backlog of patient’s for Holter monitoring that falls outside of your KPI’s?
  • How many patients in total?
  • How many weeks is the current wait time for fitting?
  • Do you have a backlog for analysis? If so, how many?
  • Is the above information for cardiology or stroke (or both)?


CLCH does not have these devices


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