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Reference FOI/25/033
Description Staffing: Agency Shift Requests for Thornbury Nursing Services
Date requested 19/04/2024
Attachments N/A


  1. Over the past 3 months, how many shifts have Thornbury Nursing Services been utilised for supplying agency nurses to your trust? 
    30 Shifts have been filled by Thornbury within the last 3 months*
  2. Over the past 3 months, how many shift requests have been sent to Thornbury Nursing Services? 
    Unfortunately, we would not be able to provide further details as this would be sensitive information*
  3. Over the past 3 months, which clinical areas have you requested shifts from Thornbury Nursing Services (ITU,A&E,PICU, NICU,WARD, Mental Health)? [Please break down numbered shift requests for each area.] 
    Unfortunately, we would not be able to provide further details as this would be sensitive information*
  4. Over the past 3 months, how many nursing shifts were sent out to off-framework suppliers? 
    Unfortunately, we would not be able to provide further details as this would be sensitive information*
  5. Which off Framework suppliers are currently supplying your Trust with agency nurses? 
    Unfortunately, we would not be able to provide further details as this would be sensitive information*

* The Trust would not be able to provide details for Q2-Q5 under section 43 (2) (commercial Interests), therefore we are applying the exemption below to these parts of your request.

Please see details below.

Section 43(2) (Commercial Interests)
The Trust has refused to make any disclosures in relation to question 2 - 5 of your request, as this is deemed to be commercially sensitive information. This request is therefore part refused and is subject to a refusal notice under s43 (2) (Commercial Interests) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.


Public Interest Test

Section 43 is a qualified exemption which is subject to the Public Interest Test. The Trust must therefore weigh up whether it is in the public interest to disclose or withhold the information.

While there is a general public interest in the disclosure of information – as greater transparency makes public bodies more accountable – consideration must be given to the commercial interests of the Trust and to the third parties it deals with to ensure the relationship is not prejudiced, undermined or damaged in any way.

The Trust considers that such a disclosure would prejudice the commercial interests of the Trust and the suppliers who provide these services. A disclosure under the legislation is a disclosure to the world at large. If the cost to the Trust were disclosed it would give other companies, with similar services, a competitive advantage that would put our own suppliers at a disadvantage. This would make it more difficult for an NHS Trust to negotiate a fair price in the future and could result in other companies raising their prices.

While the Trust is aware that disclosure of such information would further the public understanding of how NHS money is spent, the Trust finds, at this time, that the public interest in withholding the pricing information outweighs the public interest in disclosure. It is on this basis that your request is part refused.  



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