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Reference | FOI/25/009 |
Description | Staffing: Nursing agency usage |
Date requested | 04/04/2024 |
Attachments | N/A |
- a) Who is the head of procurement that is responsible for approving Nursing agency usage?
We utilise a neutral vend management service provider for all temporary staffing - Litmus
b) Secondly, who is the temporary / flexible staffing lead responsible for the management of this service ? We utilise a neutral vend management service provider for all temporary staffing - Litmus
- Please can you provide the contact number and email address in relation to both question 1 (a) and (b)
Stella Pafford | Head of HR Operations/email: Mobile: 07500 552583. Manages the contract for the managed service
- (a) Can you please confirm the names of all OFF-Framework agencies currently supplying to your trust for the following staffing groups: Registered General Nurses (RGNs) & Registered Mental-health Nurses (RMNs), Accident & Emergency (A&E)/Intensive Therapy Unit (ITU) Nurses, Prison nurses and Theatre Nurses.
Brit Locums
Vulcan HC
Select OH
Center Healthcare
Southern Cross
JSS Publications
Drs Direct
(b) Secondly, Can you please confirm the volume of supply, by number of shifts filled and & shift type, by each OFF-Framework agency during October 1st 2023 – February 29th 2024.
2912 shifts
How much was your OFF-Framework agency spend for each of the following staff groups between January 2024 – April 2024 (a) RGN’s (b) Chemotherapy Nurses (c) RMN (d) ITU Nurse (e) A&E nurse (f) Prison Nurses (g) Theatre nurses (h) Neonatal nurses
We spent £364,678.50 on off frame work agency from January 24 to March 24. April figures are not yet available. This was all spent on agency Nursing, I do not have the level of data to break this down by nursing category