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Reference | FOI/25/003 |
Description | Tic services for Children and Young People |
Date requested | 09/04/2024 |
Attachments | N/A |
We are a team of researchers at the University of Nottingham who are investigating how tic services for children and young people are structured across England. To do this, we need your help.
Initially as part of this research, we contacted ICBs to generate a list of service providers. We are now reaching out to these providers under the Freedom of Information Act and would like to make a request regarding whether you offer a service for children and young people with tics or Tourette Syndrome and basic details of this service. Please include any information for sub-contracts that you have.
We would like you to respond for children and young people within the specified age range that your service accepts (e.g., 6 - 18 years or 6 - 25 years).
To facilitate this, please use the attached Excel spreadsheet to provide the information.
1. What is the specified age range that your service accepts?
· 6 - 18 years
· 6 - 25 years
· Other (please state):
2. If a referral is made to your service for a child or young person with tics without a co-occurring mental health or neurodevelopmental condition, would you:
· Accept the referral for assessment
· Ask for additional information before a referral decision is made
· Decline the referral signposting to other agencies / service
- Please provide the name of the agency/service:
· Decline the referral but refer to another service within your trust
- Please provide the name of the service
· Decline the referral but make an out of area referral
- Please provide the name of the service
· Decline the referral with no further action
3. How many referrals for tic disorders did your service receive from 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023, including those declined?
· Please give an exact number:
If your service does accept referrals for tics, please continue with the rest of this form.
4. Out of the referrals that you have received from 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023, how many referrals for tic disorders did your service accept?
· Please give an exact number:
5. Does your service:
· Conduct diagnostic assessments for tic disorders? (Yes/No) If you answer No, please still proceed to the next part of the question.
- If Yes, how many patients were seen for diagnostic assessments from 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023?
· Provide any interventions for families prior to giving a diagnosis? (Yes/No)
- If Yes, please provide details of the intervention and who provides this intervention.
· Offer treatment for tics? (Yes/No)
- If Yes, how many patients in your service were prescribed medication to treat their tics from 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023?
- If Yes, how many patients received behavioural therapy for their tics from 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023?
- If Yes, how many patients received psychoeducation for their tics from 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023?
This would be Nil Information – as we do not run this service at CLCH.