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Reference | FOI/24/290 |
Description | Staffing rosters |
Date requested | 09/01/2024 |
Attachments |
1. What current Staffing Rosters are in place and operational, there contract end date per service, annual/contract fee’s/costs, plus How many users/licenses per product?
Bank Staff/Allocate- Contact ends November 2025 and 5000 licences costing £250K
2. What Direct Engagement Technology VAT efficiency model/provider is in place, and for what staffing group’s i.e. Locums, AHP, NMNC etc.. What’s the cost per annum? As a pence per hour, or percentage model? And expiry date of this contract?, What savings were delivered via DE 22/23 last 12 months?
The details of our contract and agencies used are commercially sensitive and it is therefore not possible to share
In reaching this decision Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust (CLCH) has considered the likely prejudice to the trust and also the public interest in the release of this information. Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust (CLCH) considers that the detailed information requested is, by virtue of S43 (2) of the 2000 Act, exempt information for the purposes of the 2000 Act. The information is exempt information as its disclosure under the 2000 Act would, or would be likely to; prejudice the commercial interests of the Trust as the authority holding the information
3. What is the current spend (£) for Nursing, Locums, AHP, NMNC and Facilities Management separately across Agency utilisation or contractors at Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust?
Please see January 2023 – December 2023 Annual Agency spend for each group.
Admin & Clerical |
Medical & Dental |
Nursing |
1,521,715 |
1,689,661 |
1,304,985 |
7,062,677 |
4. Who manages your current Staff Bank? And for What Staffing Groups? Also, what annual costs are associated with your staff bank to provide this service?
Litmus Solutions across all staffing groups.
5. How many Nurses, Doctors or AHP’s were procured via International Recruitment during 2023? And who are the suppliers, contract term, and expiry
Perm contracts:
Nurses: 140
AHPS: 23
Suppliers & Contract expiry
Drake Medox 2025
Medacs CapitalNurse 2025
MSI Capital Nurse 2025
HCL Capital Nurse 2025
MMA – Capital Nurse Expired
Neu Prof – CapitalNurse Expired
NHS Prof – Capital AHP – Expired
6. Who are the main providers for Clinical Insourcing/Outsourcing/Mobile Units to help reduce waiting lists across all services, i.e. Theatres/Endoscopy/Dermatology etc.. and What’s the annual spend and contract end date.
7. From April 2021 to present, for CLCH staff only, please can you give a breakdown (including Month & Year, and Division) of overpayments:
- What is the total amount in each identified instance
- Reason for overpayment
- How soon after an overpayment has been identified was each staff member notified (in days)
- Did the staff member appeal, and if so was it Successful, Unsuccessful or Partially Successful for the staff that was overpaid.
- How much of the initially identified overpayment was written off (not required to be paid back by the staff
- What is the total amount to be repaid after any written off amounts
Please see attachment
Response to request
Please see the numbered list.