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Reference FOI/25/064
Description IG staff details requested
Date requested 24/05/2024
Attachments N/A


The name and email address of the person within your organisation that hold the following job title / responsibilities.

1.Chief Information Officer

2.Chief Digital Information Officer

3.Chief Nursing Information Officer

4.Head of Patient Experience

5.Head of PALS

6.Head of Charities

7.Head of Facilities

8.Head of IT


Section 40

Under section 40 (2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, a public authority does not have to provide information where that information is considered personal information under the Data Protection Act 2018. CLCH do not provide personal information of staff members below Band 8. Therefore in relations to questions 4 to 8 we have provided names and email address of their senior managers instead.

The name and email address of the person within your organisation that hold the following job title / responsibilities.

1. Chief Information Officer  
Chronias, Andrew -


2. Chief Digital Information Officer
This position does not exist within the trust

3. Chief Nursing Information Officer 
This position does not exist within the trust

4. Head of Patient Experience
Mundy, Dominic - associate director of patient experience

5. Head of PALS

Mundy, Dominic - associate director of patient experience

6. Head of Charities

This position does not exist within the trust

7. Head of Facilities  

Ian Daccus - Estates & facilities strategic partnership director

8. Head of IT

Asim Mir - associate director of Information Management & Team


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